Sunday, April 15, 2018

Progress, Progress.....Days 161 - 166

 Still enjoying the (extremely) unpredictable spring weather here in the Sip (for all you non - Mississippians, that's what we call our beautiful state). Day 161 was a spectacular, sunny day. I stopped on the way to my Oxford classes and painted the pond just before you get to Jean's studio where I teach. The willows with their baby green foliage against the mucky water of the pond was a great color study.  I massed the shadows in first as usual and then did large masses of the pale yellow green. Afterwards, came back with my knife and broke the masses up. It really helped keep the the bright color clean and fresh.

Day 162 was on a Tuesday and this is a full day of classes for me. My painting that day was actually a demo for an "Intro to Plein Air" class I am currently teaching. Today we worked with a limited palette and did quick studies of "basic shapes only" in the landscape. The overlook on our farm is always perfect for this.

 On Day 163,  tackled an early morning study of Al's old tractor. As always, I was drawn to the light, but I am also trying to pull more difficult subjects, like buildings, animals, and other objects into my studies. I know the only way to grow is to constantly take myself out of my comfort zone.

I never can decide which I like more, early morning light or late evening. Both are dynamic in their own way. We no longer use our rickety little utility shed, but I keep it around because it makes a great painting subject. On Day 164,  it was all about the light and the tree shadows on the west wall, but it was also about the way the light caught the edge of the door frame just as the sun was going down.
A nice change of scenery was on tap for Day 165. I was in Louisville, Mississippi for a women's retreat and so I was able to spend time painting at Lake Tiak-O'Khata. It was quite windy, but the day was beautiful and the sun was warm.

 As beautiful as it was yesterday, Day 166 was just as stormy and nasty. Managed to sneak one in during a brief break between rains at the end of the day. Delta skies are always an inspiration!  

The sky was once again my inspiration on Day 167.  After the storms cleared out, the cold moved in. The wind chill never climbed out of the 30s today and it was all I could do to convince myself to go out. I am over the cold!! I sucked it up though, stuck to my commitment and went out.......and was blessed with an incredible sky study. Played with ultramarine blue and yellow ochre for the grayness of the sky and became so caught up in it that it became more about the moment and less about the painting.  I almost talked myself out of painting outside today, had I, I would have missed it.

I am ending this group with a larger studio painting that is currently on my easel. This painting  was created from studies and photos from our trip to Natchez. It has been so much fun and definitely shows a shift in my style, which I attribute without a doubt to the daily studies I have done of over the last 166 days.

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