Day 142 started this group with our incredible late afternoon, Delta light. There is still a lot of winter grey, but more green is showing up everyday. I loved the back lighting of these cedars, as well as, the way the light came through them and lit the ground. Perfect way to end the day.
On day 143, I packed up my paint for a weekend getaway and painting excursion in and around Natchez, Mississippi. I have always wanted to go to Natchez, but I have just never made the effort. In fact, one location on the way down, was a place I have wanted to see for years. Windsor Ruins has always fascinated me and painting them has definitely been on my bucket list.
We made our way though Port Gibson only to come to a barrier stating the road was flooded. After passing through the barrier and then slowly driving though said flooded road (my husband is a trooper!) only to come to yet another road closed sign, I had almost given up on this opportunity. Fortunately, Al was more persistent and determined to drive until we absolutely could not go further and we arrived at the ruins just before the road officially became barricaded off. It was so worth it. The ruins were spectacular and I was able to spend about and hour studying them before getting back on the road for Natchez.
Natchez was just what I had hoped. We stayed in a hotel overlooking the Mississippi River and I was able to paint river boats from our hotel window with my watercolors. On Day144, we walked the streets. The morning light was lovely and I was able to take a lot of reference photos. Chose to only take one full plantation home tour and it was of Longwood. We chose wisely. This home, even though never finished, was incredible. After touring the home, I pulled out my paints, sat on the back of my car and did a small study of the back of the home with its grand live oak trees. I was in heaven, but I learned quickly that I need a lot more practice with Spanish moss!
We ended the day in Natchez with tamales and "Knock-You-Naked" margaritas (yep, that's what they're called!) at Fat Mama's. I'm just not into that whole "starving artist" thing!
We made it home from our short but fantastic trip, just in time for me to do an afternoon study. I chose to ride up the road to a small creek just south of our farm. The grey weather was back, but this little area was still enjoyable - Day 145.
Faced once again with yet another grey day, I was feeling less than inspired. I had no idea what would be inspiring and I was actually dreading painting. Then I saw this HUGE forest of wisteria on my way back from taking my daughter to school. It was growing all around a church that some friends attend, so I made a few phone calls, got permission and flew out there to paint before the rain moved in. The most beautiful purple blossoms covered everything and so Day 146 was an unexpected
joy to paint.
Day 147 finally gave us a little sunshine.......along with 30 - 40 mile per hour winds. Painting during a wind advisory is not always recommended but I had a couple of great friends battle it with me and so it really wasn't so bad.
I am learning, yes, I can paint anywhere, anytime; there are no excuses!
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